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Both Cialis and Viagra are one of the top brands that treat erectile dysfunction. It is when a male body cannot sustain a healthy erection after being sexually stimulated. 

The cause of erectile dysfunction is often multifactorial. It can involve causes that are related to physical and psychological conditions. However, the outcome of ED further causes more stress for the patient and their partner. 

A study states that 30% of ED can have premature ejaculation, and 60% of successful treatment of ED can alleviate premature ejaculation. Therefore, Cialis and Viagra tablets are popular aids that have successfully treated ED and subside the risk of PE.

How Do Cialis and Viagra Work? 

The Function of Cialis 

By definition, Cialis has Tadalafil as the active ingredient. It is a prescription medicine used to treat mild to severe conditions of ED found in 20 to 50 years of men. The medicine may have entered the market after Viagra, but its potency has set its reputation. 

Cialis tablets may have the same function as Viagra, but the composition of both may hold differences in terms of potency. A direct study has found that Tadalafil is more effective than Sildenafil in most cases. Therefore, Cialis tablets are suitable for men with severe ED conditions. 

The Function of Viagra 

If you dig into the history of medicines used for treating sexual dysfunction in men, Viagra will be the first name to pop up. It contains the salt Sildenafil citrate, one of the first ED-treating ingredients on the market. The salt belongs to the class of PDE-5 inhibitors, which is the same as Tadalafil. 

Therefore, both Viagra and Cialis ease the blood vessels, boosting the blood function in the entire body. The smooth and healthy regulation of blood circulation results in a healthy erection. So far, the usage of brands like Viagra and Cialis has been reviewed to be trustworthy. 

What Happens If You Consume Both the Medicines in One Day? 

Taking Cialis tablets in the morning and Viagra tablets at night are not advised until your doctor recommends it. Both medicines have the same function and will not necessarily give users a positive result if taken on the same day. 

Cialis Stays in your body for at least 36 hours which can exceed 72 hours. Therefore, taking Viagra after consumption of Cialis may mean inviting trouble. There is a high risk of possible side effects. 

The right way to take ED medicine is to consume one Cialis or Viagra tablet a few hours before intimacy. Choose whichever has been prescribed for your ED condition. Do not take more than one pill daily as it can cause side effects like prolonged erection. 

It will prove more dangerous and ineffective and has the same side effects as double dosing. 

Possible Changes If You Take Cialis and Viagra Together 

Taking Cialis and Viagra tablets together does not determine that you will achieve double and better action in bed. However, other than prolonged erection, other side effects of taking too much ED medicine in a day are: 

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Breathlessness
  • Dizziness
  • Vision issue
  • Lack of Consciousness
  • Painful erection
  • Severe anxiety

These are a few aspects of side effects an individual may face after double dosing on both medicines. Not overlapping your medicines and taking another pill only after a specified time frame is necessary. Overall, it is best to seek consultation from certified doctors. They can help you understand the dangers of taking too many ED medicines daily. 

When Should You See a doctor? 

The right time to ask for help is when you are experiencing unusual symptoms in your physical and conscious mind. To detect any risk factors in advance, ask your doctor about any possible side effects. Cialis tablets or Viagra are efficient medicines to treat a variety of ED conditions. But double-dosing on both medicines in a single day is not healthy.